US Tour Bus:
Overseas Tour Bus:
Downstairs Lounge, Kitchen, & Eating Area
The overseas bus unlike the states has an upstairs and a downstairs. There is a front and side entrance to the bus.
The down stairs has a lounge that seats 4 with 2 TVs . It also has a dinning area where you can eat with kitchen . The bathroom is usually on the same level. No number 2s💩!!
Upstairs has a huge lounge that seats about 10 people FYI ( we got a few 300 pounders on our squad ) lol . On the same levels there are 16 beds that are amazingly comfortable . No DVDs in bunks. Again each lay out is different according to the company.
Rules of the Bus.
Rule #1: NO number “2s 💩” on the bus ! If you gotta go they will hit a rest stop or you can “Hot Bag it”!Garbage bag on the seat. Sounds crazy , but if you gotta go these are your options. I’ve seen it all…
Rule #2: CLEAN UP after yourself .
Rule #3: RESPECT people’s things and space.
Rule #5: DO NOT brush your teeth with the water from the bus get a BOTTLE OF WATER and use that.
Living on a bus with 12 people you don’t know can be weird . Different system values, different religious beliefs, different nationalities, different work ethics.. Some people like it, some love it. Some are just passing time between bigger gigs. What I love about our team is we get along! There’s a respect, a passion, and a willingness to go beyond the call of duty. Attitude reflects leadership .That’s why we win. TSE